Wednesday, January 19

Dhal Rasam


Tamarind                        lime size soaked in one cup of warm water
Tomato                          1
Green Chilly                   1
Garlic                              2-3
Cooked Toor dhal          3 tbsp
Corriander leaves           For garnishing

To roast and blend:

Corriander seeds                      1 tsp
Cumin seeds                            1 tsp
Asafotedia                               1/4 tsp or small piece
Dried Red Chilly                      2
Black Pepper                          1/4 tsp
Mustard seeds                         1/4 tsp
Curry leaves                              few


Mustard seeds                           1 tsp
Cumin seeds                              1 tsp
Asafotedia                                 A pinch
Turmeric powder                       1/4 tsp


Soak the tamarind in one cup of warm water for 20 minutes. Then, filter it and add one more cup of water to it.
Heat a pan in medium and dry roast all the items listed under  "To roast and blend". Let it cool and blend into a powder.
Cut the garlic. green chilly, and tomato into small pieces. Now heat a pan on medium flame and add oil to it. Once the oil is hot, add the garlic and green chillies and fry stirring continously until the garlic pieces turn light brown. Add the tomato pieces and fry for a minute or two.
Add the tamarind juice and add the cooked dhal to it and mix it well. When the whole tamarind juice with the dhal start to boil, add the spice powder we had prepared before and sufficient salt and stir once and wait again for its first boil. Meantime, heat another pan, add oil. Once the oil is hot, add the mustard seeds and wait till it splutters fully. Then, add asafotedia and turmeric powder and fry for a minute. Transfer this to the rasam that is about to boil and when it gets started to boil, remove from heat. 

Make sure, the dish doesn't boil at any point.

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