Wednesday, March 30

Avocado - Mint recipe

This is a wonderful recipe which really did wonders in my body. The results were very good and it made me to stick with this recipe almost daily.  It all started with my weight loss planning.  I want to have a very healthy, nutritious breakfast after my morning workout. Many options came to my mind, but I was not completely convinced with those.  During the same time, there was an party and in the party, I came to know about this recipe through my friend Shilpy. She is a person, who cares her body very well, with healthy and right nutrients.  The first time, when I came to know the recipe,  I decided it was just for me.... The next week, I started having that. I love the taste of mint and so it was not surprising that I liked the taste just from the first day.  The main thing is that it was with simple ingredients and easy to prepare and store and I can just have that for the whole week and helped a lot during the most busiest time in the morning to have a proper, healthy, fulfilling breakfast. Before actually going into the recipe, its very good to know about the ingredients used in this recipe. So, i would like to mention some few important facts about the ingredients, although you may be aware of those.

The first main ingredient is Avocado. It contains folate, potassium, monounsaturated fatty acids(MUFAs) and are very high in fiber.  "FAT..."  whenever i hear fat, my mind picks up all negative things associated with fat with respect to weight loss.  Later, I came to know that FATS are not bad.  They play a very important role in our body.  Monounsaturated fat is also known as good fat.  The monosaturated fat found in Avocado actually help to lower bad cholesterol and increase the absorption of certain carotenoids.

The next main ingredient is Mint leaves, which is a well-known herb, which has a wonderful aroma, great taste, and healing power. It facilitates overall digestion and has many health benefits.

The other ingredient like Green Olives, Garlic, and Green Chilly too have many health benefits.  Green Olives too contain high level of monosaturated fat. It also contains Proteins, minerals, vitamins,  and antioxidants. Green Chilly helps to improve the overall immune system of our body. A common phrase I often heard about garlic is that they are good for our hearts.

In summary, the main ingredients in this are high fat content and so our food becomes high-calorie meal irrespective of whether they are good fat or bad fat... But, again, a  high-calorie(with good fat)  meal in the mornings are very important and necessary for our body,  so that at the end of the day, our body will not tend us to load ourselves with huge quantities of food.  As you can notice in this recipe, we are just blending all the ingredients and using in our meal directly without any other processing and so, all nutrients come directly to our body.

Finally, I got a combination with all these ingredients and I use it as a spread on my whole wheat or multi-grain bread in the morning, along with boiled egg and tomato with a cup of orange juice/Soy Milk. I have this almost every day and my body feels so fresh, energetic, fulfilling and it makes me to stick with this meal daily. I am enjoying this wonderful recipe.

NOTE:  I knew some people are allergic to avocados, but this in combination with other ingredients may/may not be reacting the same way... but, just make sure when you are having for the first time, you are not feeling light-headed or experiencing any other allergies...


Avocado            1
Mint leaves         2 bunch
Green Olives       5-8 nos
Green Chilly        1
Garlic                  1/2 of one clove of garlic
Salt                      to taste


First pick the mint leaves separately and rinse well in the water.
Green Olives should be deseeded before we grind
Halve the Avocado and take out the entire content with a spoon discarding the seed inside.

In a blender, add the avocado, olives, garlic and green chilly and blend well. Then slowly add the mint leaves and try to blend to a smooth paste without adding water.  If you feel you need water, just make sure you add a very small measure of water at a time and try to make a smooth paste.

Now, the nutrient rich avocado-mint mix is ready.  This can be spread over the bread and serves as a good breakfast variety. Sometimes, I used to grind some corriander leaves or curry leaves or sometimes both corriander and curry leaves for a variation.  I love the taste anyway and my breakfast a lot.

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