Saturday, January 29

Healthy skin and hair

Need your skin glow with shiny hair and healthy nails?  You would be surprised to know how easy it is to achieve our goal with a little effort.  Here comes a simple plan..

Fruits and Vegetables are bursting with vitamins and minerals that our skin, hair, and nails rely on to look fabulous.  5 serving of veggies and 3 servings of fruits a day will help us towards our goal.  One serving equals half a cup or 125 ml.  We need to eat 8 x half a cup of colorful veggies and fruits.  The main colorful veggies and fruits include Orange, Red, Blue/purple, and Green foods.  Now, its easy for us to track the main veggies and fruits.  Here follows the most important color foods to include in our diet, which takes us towards our goal  of healthy hair, skin and nails. 

ORANGE FOODS:  Carrots and Oranges, which contains beta carotene to fight wrinkles causing free radicals and it is loaded with vitamin C to strengthen collagen fibres in skin and hair.

RED FOODS:  Tomatoes and Cherries. These are a good souce of lycopene, which protects agains sun and harmful UV rays.

GREEN FOODS:  Broccoli and Kale, again is rich in multiple vitamins

BLUE/PURPLE FOODS:  Blueberries and Eggplant contain flavonoids that make skin glow and hair shine.

Other than these,   Proteins are powerhouse for our skin, hair and nails because our body relies on to replace old or dying cells.  Many women skip the suggested two servings of meat, which can be achieved by two boiled eggs or a piece of meat or fish.

Though, 8 servings of colorful veggies and fruits is our goal, we can always start with four servings or 8 servings with two or three serving of our same favorite veggie or fruit and just watch the difference your body will experience, which will help you to stick with the required goal. 


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